Week 1 (Elijah)

 This week was primarily setup and preliminary research to better understand the project at hand. 

Class Meeting

  • Our first class meeting was setting up the online resources for the rest of the project.
  •  This included the hours sheet, this blog website, Jira, and a Discord server that we will use for the project (pictured below).

Letter of Intent
  • Another task completed this week was the letter of intent, which was formulated as a group from the online template, approved, then posted to the Blackboard (pictured).
  • In lieu of this, the Blackboard group was also created which is seen in the below picture.

Background Research
  • Research on the prevalence of stroke, connections to mobility related disabilities, details involved in neurorehabilitation programs, commonly used rehab techniques, and previous robot-assisted training paradigms was conducted. 
  • Some of the notable finds from the research were:
  1. The high risk of stroke in older populations and the effect it has on the daily life of the victim (DALYS = disability-adjusted life years), as shown in the graph below.

    2. The large range of treatment options for motor rehabilitation for stroke patients. The figure below            only depicts treatments for arm-hand movements which is the area this project focuses on. 

    3. Previous robot-assisted programs such as the MIME robot, which was able to switch between 4            modes that ranged from moving the patient's arm on its own, to creating resistance against the                patient to help in strength training.


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