Week 4

 Module Brainstorming

For this week we did a lot of brainstorming and coming up with the different modules the device will consist of and the possible solutions for each area.

Raw Module Generation

  • Below is the final set of modules defined by the team:

  • The textual list of the modules is as follows:
    • Gantry Movement
    • Kinematic Data Acquisition
    • User Interface / User Experience
    • Motor Controller / Motor Selection
    • Handle Ergonomics
    • Power Electronics / Distribution
    • Computing (Added post-photo)
  • Note: The module "Physical Display" was scrapped due to establishing a monitor will suffice and does not need to be an entire module.
  • Note: The module "Table" was put on hold for future evaluation, as the module primarily involved placement of the device in respect to the table rather than different objects or tools

Module Organization

  • After coming up with the modules, at least 10 different solutions for each model were brainstormed. 
  • Below is the set of photos for each module area (click the photo to inspect closely).

  • These were organized by overall module, and the modules themselves were classified into 2 areas: Software and Physical
  • Below is the map of the Software related modules (Kinematic Data Acquisition, UI/UX, and Computing)

  • Then, the next map is for the Physical related modules (Gantry Movement, Motor Controller/Selection, Handle Ergonomics, Power Electronics/Distribution) 

Final 3 Choices for each Module

For an in-depth listing of the merits for each module solution, visit the following sheet:
  • Each set of module solutions was then narrowed down to 3 choices, on which the linked Google Sheet holds the final choices. Though as an overview, each sheet is dedicated to a module, and the top 3 choices are listed with their pros and cons, along with the original module photo for reference (UI/UX pictured below).

Final Choice for each Module

  • The final choices for each module will be finalized during our team's meeting this Wednesday (10/4) as new information was obtained from a meeting (unscheduled, happened after a class) with our client, Dr. Kim, on Tuesday (10/3) regarding the feasibility of a gantry system and his goals regarding force control. 
  • A photo from the meeting can be seen below, detailing how to obtain position and force data from each mechanical system (gantry and linkage). Due to this information, we will properly reevaluate our current modules before making our final decisions.

Previous Deliverable Revisions

  • After receiving feedback last class on our previous deliverable submissions, we have been revising their content.
  • Specifically this week, Gavin worked on Deliverable 3 on making the Requirements more general to have them more testable in theory with a wider range of module choices, such as the data storage requirement not explicitly mentioning the number of tables, and now focusing on the type of data stored.


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